What is the OIA?

The Osteopathic International Alliance is the leading organization for the advancement and unity of the global osteopathic profession. As an “organization of organizations,” the OIA unifies osteopathic medicine and osteopathy by connecting schools, regulatory bodies, and regional, national, and multi-country groups.

The OIA launched in June 2003, when 34 individuals representing ten countries and seventeen organizations traveled to Chicago, Illinois, USA, to attend the First Invitational Conference to Organize an International Osteopathic Association. Affirming the importance of uniting the osteopathic profession worldwide, the attendees incorporated as the Osteopathic International Alliance in the United States in December 2004.


Our story

In July 2005, the OIA held its Inaugural Conference in Washington, DC, USA, with forty-five attendees from nearly a dozen countries, representing more than thirty different international organizations.

In 2018, the OIA was admitted into official relations with the World Health Organization and is the primary international organization advocating for high-quality osteopathic healthcare and the leading representative of osteopathic professionals worldwide.

Today the OIA represents 76 organizations from 20 countries across five continents.

Mission, Vision & Strategic Initiatives


Every person worldwide has access to high-quality osteopathic healthcare.


The OIA represents its member organizations with global healthcare stakeholders as the unified voice of the global osteopathic profession.  Our purpose is to encourage systems of regulation and education that will ensure high standards for safe and effective healthcare from osteopaths and osteopathic physicians. 

Our Core Values

  • Uphold the stewardship of osteopathic philosophy and practice
  • Acknowledge and respect both streams of osteopathic healthcare
  • Encourage and support collaboration
  • Uphold transparency and integrity
  • Embrace altruism and person-centeredness
  • Commit to good governance and accountability to ensure organizational sustainability

Strategic Initiatives, 2022-2025

  • Act as the unified voice of the global osteopathic profession
  • Position OIA as the globally trusted source for osteopathic standards and information
  • Solidify engagement with the World Health Organisation to ensure ongoing collaboration and recognition of osteopathic healthcare on a global stage
  • Define a resource development program to ensure the OIA has a sustainable capacity to deliver